
Ms. Moeggenberg

7th Grade

Course Syllabus I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our seventh grade Reading class!  I have high expectations of you and your performance in my class this year.  Below, I have outlined the policies I expect to be followed in our class this year.  Policies are primarily in effect to make the day run smoothly.   Pass use
  • You need to fill out the pass portion of your student planner in order to leave the room.
  • Do not ask to use the pass while I am talking or while a student is addressing the class.
  • Each student will be given 3 restroom passes per quarter.  It is your responsibility to keep these passes.  Any unused passes will be collected at the end of the quarter and rewarded with extra credit points.
BehaviorBehaviors that in any way interfere with instruction or the learning process will not be tolerated.  Interventions will be made as follows:o   Strike 1 – Warning and student will move to designated seat.o   Strike 2 – Silent lunch detention and parent contact made.o   Strike 3 – Student sent to choice center with parent contact.o   Referral – Submitted to administration and parent notified.Tardy policy
  • Students are expected to be in the classroom and seated when the bell rings or they are considered tardy.  When the bell rings, students will have supplies out and be ready to work.  Pencils will need to be sharpened before class so classroom instruction is not disrupted.  Students will be sent to the choice center upon entering the room tardy.
Absenteeism policy
  • Students have 2 days plus the number of days absent to make up missed work. For example, 1 day missed = 3 days given to turn in make up work.
  • If a student is absent on the day an assignment or project is due or on a test day, the assignment is due the first day when the student returns.  It is his or her responsibility to see me about taking the test, or the score will result in a zero!
  • I do not give out work in advance.  If you know you will be out, you could ask a fellow student to collect your work.
  • Not all work can be made up.  We may watch a video, have a discussion, etc., and students are often given credit for these types of activities.  Grades will not be affected for missing such materials, however, the student will miss out on valuable classroom instruction.  
Parent InvolvementThe following suggestions to parents will help students be successful and have a positive experience in my class.
  • Read your notes and assignments on units that are recorded in your student’s planner.  I write assignments on the board daily for students to copy down.
  • Monitor progress during units by checking your student’s work.
  • Encourage and support homework and all unit assignments.
  • Talk with your student on a regular basis about what he/she is learning.
  • Create an atmosphere at home where your student has a designated study space and study time.